
  • Photographer
    Olga Volianska
  • Prize
    Official Selection
  • Jury Top 5 Selection

    Caroline Metcalfe an emotionally engaging set of images that is very thought provoking

  • Date of Photograph
  • Technical Info
    DJI FC220, Nikon D750, sigma art 35mm, hand painting

That is a series that I have been working on since the summer of 22, using my aerial photos, taken before the war on the coast of the Sea of Azov. The printed frames are painted by me manually. I layered images as meanings and got a kind of geological time scale. All of these reserved places have been occupied since the first day of the Russian invasion to Ukraine. God knows whether these unique lakes will remain there. The series is completed with footage of footprints taken in the same place. They attracted me with their graphic nature. But now they acquire completely different meanings.

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