Claudio Composti The family is one of the hardest themes to tell. Everyone of us has a past and a family story to be told. But through the collage and photography, there is a magical and psychological way to "face" traumas or the memories that hurt inside, and this story could be just one of the way to heal the wounds of the soul, which are part of each of us.
The discovery of my mother's illness and the awareness that our time together was coming to an end triggered this work which has accompanied my reflection on the mother-daughter relationship. The act of tearing up old family photos and rearranging them together like in a puzzle where present and past overlap helped me to accept a new reality of silence and unspoken things. By combining collages with images representing pivotal moments of my life journey, I reconstruct a visual narrative of the mother-daughter relation that goes beyond spatio-temporal constraints to reveal its eternal nature.