The last smile for Ukrainian dad

  • Photographer
    Daniel Ceng
  • Prize
    2nd Place / Editorial / Press/Contemporary issues
  • Jury Top 5 Selection

    Patricia Lanza A very personal moment in War

  • Company/Studios
    ZUMA Press

14 year old Alexandria (Front-right), accompanied by her mother, smiles as she touches her father, who was a Ukrainian soldier who fought on Kharkiv’s frontline and was killed during a fight against Russian soldiers, for the last time, during his funeral service in Dnipro, amid the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Father of Alexandria was found dead on 8 May, a day before the Russian Victory Day. But Alexandria says smile may conquer the pain of losing her loved one as she is a brave Ukrainian. Many Ukrainian families are to continue on their life, with no dad, husbands or brothers.

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