Behind Closed Doors: UK's Dairy Industry

  • Photographer
    Amy Jones
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention
  • Company/Studios
    Moving Animals
  • Date of Photograph
    February and November 2022
  • Technical Info
    1/80 sec, f/1.8, ISO 160, full frame

Intensive dairy farms are often difficult to access, meaning investigators can only document conditions undercover, typically at night. This photo series was taken on multiple visits alongside investigators from the advocacy group Viva! to one of the UK’s leading dairy facilities. With around 1.9 million cows living on 13,000 farms, the UK is one of Europe's highest milk producers. 2,000 of these farms are “zero-grazed”, which means the cows are kept permanently inside sheds. Intensive dairy farms are increasing in the UK as farmers face pressure to maximise production while reducing costs.

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