
  • Photographer
    Theresa Seilern-Aspang
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention
  • Jury Top 5 Selection

    Shoun Hill This a nice slice of life photo and the dog being at center really seals the moment for me.

  • Company/Studios
    Daisy Seilern Photography
  • Date of Photograph
    14 august 2019
  • Technical Info
    f/4 1/400 ISO 160 CANON 5D MarkIII 85mm

This is Tata the friendly bulldog. She is being treated by the kids as a family member. Everybody loves her. She is very unique: she runs sideways, has her tongue always sticking out and would eat everything. This is the. perfect capture of a candid childhood: wild, free and full of love and joy. There is nothing better for kids, than to grow up with animals. They learn to be responsible, take care of one another.

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