Ms. Davis

  • Photographer
    julie fowells
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention
  • Jury Top 5 Selection
  • Company/Studios
    julie fowells photographs
  • Date of Photograph
  • Technical Info
    Hasselblad 500ELX camera and ISO 200 fuji color film

Vaginal Davis is a performing artist, painter, curator, composer, filmmaker and writer, known for her queercore punk persona. She wore “black face” for this portrait session, and I’ll never forget the profound effect her oft-repeated phrase “Let me just beat on my face” had on me that day. The appropriation of black makeup, and all that entails, is just one of many ways she so deftly disrupts the politics of problematic cultural imagery. Even as I took the photo I was assessing my own discomfort with her decision.

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