
  • Photographer
    Anna Aita
  • Prize
    Official Selection
  • Jury Top 5 Selection

    David Clarke I doubt if anyone would ever dare resist this Medusa. She possesses such power in those fabulous green eyes. The image is expertly drawn together in just three tones of colour, giving so much extra force to the image. Absolutely wonderful!!

  • Company/Studios
    Anna Aita Photography Llc

Medusa was the only mortal born from two primordial sea gods. She was so beautiful that many men lusted for her but as a priestess, she remained virgin and dedicated to Athena. Poseidon became intrigued by Medusa's beauty and broke into Athena's temple and raped her. So Athena turned Medusa into a Gorgon to protect her from men, so she would never be hurt again. Medusa is not a villain but a victim.

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