My Son

  • Photographer
    Marta Syrko
  • Prize
    2nd Place / One Shot - Searching For Peace/Calm in Conflict
  • Jury Top 5 Selection
  • Company/Studios
    Frenchman Gallery
  • Date of Photograph
    January 2023
  • Technical Info
    1/50,iso 1300,f 3,2, 85mm, Canon EOS R5, full frame

Serhii (28) was very involved with his young family before the war; he has a wife and two children, one son recently born. He enjoyed cars as a hobby, and still does, but for Serhii, family is the most important thing in life; protecting family and his homeland is paramount to him. Like many others, he joined the Armed Forces to defend his country from Russia’s invasion. One day he climbed down into a ditch and spotted a tank far in the distance. Suddenly, a shell detonated at close range, propelling fragments everywhere. The impact of the shockwave tore off his right leg.

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