Noms (Lexi And Her Twins)

  • Photographer
    Quintavius Oliver
  • Prize
    Official Selection
  • Jury Top 5 Selection
  • Date of Photograph
  • Technical Info
    Mamiya 7II + 43mm f/4.5 + Kodak Portra 800

I was afforded the opportunity to spend a quiet morning with my dear friend, Alexus and her two baby girls. This moment took me back to my own experiences as a single father, enjoying the stillness of the morning with my daughter before venturing out into the chaos of the world. There was a tinderness in her interaction with her children that is seldom experienced outside of the comfort and safety of one's home. This same tenderness is something that I seek to carry with me in my everyday interactions with the world in the midst of situations that seek to steal my peace.

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