What the soul wears over its new complexion | Chill

  • Photographer
    Beate Walden
  • Prize
    1st Place / Special/Other
  • Jury Top 5 Selection

    Lisa Kunst In surfing, as in life, the only constant is change. This man looks like he has navigated life’s unforeseen to challenges.

  • Date of Photograph
    April 2024
  • Technical Info
    Leica | AI generated images

What the soul wears over its new complexion encapsulates the profound journey of self-discovery and transformation. It speaks to the essence of personal evolution, suggesting that the soul adorns itself with experiences, wisdom, and growth, manifesting a new complexion expressed through garments, choices, and behavior. Ultimately, it invites contemplation on the ever-changing nature of the self and the myriad expressions it embodies over time.

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