The Arctic: A Darker Shade of White

  • Photographer
    sebastian copeland
  • Prize
    Book Photographer Of the Year
  • Jury Top 5 Selection

    Kirk McKoy I thought that the best aspect of "The Arctic: A Darker Shade of White" is its ability to capture the stark and majestic beauty of the Arctic landscape, highlighting both its serene and formidable qualities. The book's visually stunning photography immerses the reader in the remote and fragile environment, raising awareness about its importance and the urgent need for conservation.

    Sherrie Berger

  • Date of Photograph
    2005, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2017, 2022, 2023, 20224
  • Technical Info
    Mamiya 7; Linhof 6X17; Canon 5DsR; Zeiss optics

The Arctic: A Darker Shade of White chronicles deep, immersive expeditions in the high north. I was fortunate to walk to the North Pole on skis; I crossed the Greenland ice sheet in its length; and covered great distances across the Canadian Arctic. Throughout 20 years of challenging polar missions, I never ceased to be moved by the power and scale of the landscape. This communion I had with Nature always led to epiphanies even while that harsh environment takes no pity on human life. But from year to year, I bore witness to transformations that spell profound global implications.

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