Midnight Refuel

  • Photographer
    Albrecht Voss
  • Prize
    3rd Place / Architecture/Industrial
  • Jury Top 5 Selection
  • Company/Studios
    Albrecht Voss
  • Date of Photograph
  • Technical Info
    0,8 sec, ISO64, f/8, medium format sensor, Hasselblad X2D, 38mm

Gas Stations Illuminating the Night This evocative photo series captures the surreal beauty and stark contrast of gas stations glowing like bright islands in the dark of night. Each image showcases these roadside sanctuaries as beacons of light and life, providing a moment of rest for weary travelers. The gas stations stand as symbols of the golden age of combustion engines, serving as reminders of a transportation era that is gradually giving way to the rise of electric vehicles and charging stations.

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