One person households

  • Photographer
    Minah Kang
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention
  • Jury Top 5 Selection

    I-Chan Park One of the best ways to grow from the genre of contemporary art photography to a photographer is to engage and immerse yourself in art. In modern society, the reality of single-person households is reproduced, exposing the social reality that single-person households must experience.

  • University/School
    Graduate School of Hongik University
  • Date of Photograph
  • Technical Info
    1/125, ISO100, F8, Full Frame

This contains the space and characters of a person living alone. This shows that not everyone is a single-person household from the beginning and that the space closely resembles the person. It captures the lives of people in their 20s to 60s who were forced to live alone for social reasons in Seoul, South Korea. In modern society, where the proportion of single-person households is increasing, it is meaningful to record various aspects of residence and the people living in those spaces.

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