SPLIT : Real vs Surreal

  • Photographer
    Yuji Haikal
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention
  • Jury Top 5 Selection

    I-Chan Park The autonomy of expression of painting is being conveyed. This is an excellent work that unfolds two stories in one scene while based on the realism of the photographic medium and conveys the artist's intention well.

  • Date of Photograph
  • Technical Info
    Leica M + Summicron 35mm F2

This photo series showcases life and love through street photography. This series, combining color and monochrome, is called SPLIT: Real vs. Surreal. The most significant dates in our lives are the day we were born and the day we stop breathing. That’s why the series begins and ends in color, with the middle section in black & white, representing the journey of our existence. The standout feature of this series is the split-frame style. By dividing each image into segments, it captures multiple stories and perspectives within a single frame, offering a rich and layered view of each moment.

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