Volcanic Blue Flames

  • Photographer
    Hong Huazheng
  • Prize
    3rd Place / Nature/Other
  • Jury Top 5 Selection
  • Date of Photograph
    31 March 2024
  • Technical Info
    1/13 sec, f / 5.6, ISO 4000

There are a few volcanoes around the world where the lava appears blue or has blue flames, but none that consistently exhibit blue flames as Kawah Ijen does. The electric-blue flames are caused by the combustion of sulphuric gasses in the oxygen-rich air. Through the combustion, the sulphuric gasses condense into blue molten sulphur that spills down the mountainside, in dazzling electric-blue flames through a phenomenon called electronic excitation. At such high pressure, sometimes the temperature reaches 600°C.

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