How I beat cancer.

  • Photographer
    Evgeny Stetsko
  • Prize
    People Photographer Of the Year
  • Company/Studios
  • Date of Photograph
    18.01.2018 - 24.08.2018
  • Technical Info
    Canon EOS 5d Mark 3

In January of this year I was diagnosed with lung cancer. It fatally changed my life. I didn't know anything about what was coming. Instinctively I was looking for any action to be busy. I decided to take self portraits at all stages of treatment. At first I underwent three cycles of chemotherapy. It was an exhausting process. I wanted to hide under the water all the time. Then there was a heavy surgery, that continued for several hours. After that was month of radiation therapy. All the story took eight months. I've been shooting almost all the time. Sure, photographing helped me win.

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