Corpus Cristi

  • Photographer
    Alicja Wodecka
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention
  • Date of Photograph

Corpus Cristi is a catholic holiday that occurs on the first Thursday sixty days after Easter – always at the beginning of June. It is celebrated by every Polish parish with a great procession through the streets of the neighbourhood. Most windows of the houses on the route are decorated with pictures of Jesus, Pope and christian symbols. The pictures were taken during procession in a neglected district of Gdansk called The Green Triangle – the place where most people from „better” places are afraid to wander a bout after sunset. For the parishioners it is one of the most important days in a catholic year. They dress up as in no other day during whole year and holding a flag or carrying a feretory is an honour which is talked about and cherished for next weeks. Obviously the procession is an opportunity not only to prove attachment to Catholic Church but also to watch neighbours and chat with friends.


Corpus Cristi (Boze Cialo) is a catholic holiday. In Poland it is celebrated on the first Thursday 60 days after Easter. Procession of parishioners pacing around all neigbourhood is an opportunity to pray in a June heat as well as to meet friends.

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