Vova's summer evening

  • Photographer
    Elena Litvinova
  • Prize
    Analog / Film Photographer Of the Year
  • Date of Photograph
    27 of July 2019
  • Technical Info
    Kodak Portra 160 film, Nikon f4 camera and Mir-20 lens

This photo for me is about summer. About long sunny days, that are always even longer when you are a kid. It's about walking through endless fields of wheat to the sea shore, finding a coin in your pocket you never thought was there and sharing cold soda with your friends. The school is over and autumn seems miles away, there is a great lingering expectation of what will happen during the days to come. Summer is special. And then in the evening everything gets more mysterious and magical and everything seems different, somehow with a newly found depth to it, unseen in daily light. The mome

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