
  • Photographer
    Joao Carlos
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention
  • Jury Top 5 Selection
  • Company/Studios
    Curiouse Equilibrium
  • Date of Photograph
  • Technical Info
    125 f16 iso 100

The (COVID-19) outbreak means life has changed for us all. It may cause you to feel anxious, stressed, worried, sad, bored, lonely or frustrated. It's important to remember it is OK to feel this way and that everyone reacts differently – for most of us, these difficult feelings will pass. the world has changed—at least for the foreseeable future. We transitioned off the streets, left the shops, and came home from work—all to lead our private home lives, 24/7.  When we do go out, we no longer shake hands or give hugs. It’s not safe to fly. Markets, restaurants, bars, department stores, beauty

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