Protest Against Corona Restrictions, Berlin, 2020

  • Photographer
    Hermann Bredehorst
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention
  • Jury Top 5 Selection

    Kirk McKoy We need to be able to see the humor in life, even during a pandemic! This image brought a big smile to my face.

  • Company/Studios
  • Date of Photograph
    May 02, 2020

May 02, 2020, Berlin, Germany:A demonstrator wears underpants as a mask as he stands holding a sheet of paper that reads: Maskenpflicht is gut und hält uns gesund (Mask requirement is good and keeps us healthy)near the demo area during a weekly protest against the restrictions due to the coronavirus in Berlin amid the new coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic. The so-called "hygiene demos" have attracted left and right-wing extremists, as well as conspiracy theorists and anti-vaxers, who argue that the restrictions are an illegal attempt to curtail civil liberties by an authoritarian state.

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