Milena Báis

  • Photographer
    Shahzad Bhiwandiwala
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention
  • University/School
    Academy of Art University
  • Date of Photograph
    November 2019
  • Technical Info
    All images were Strobe Lit on a Full Frame Canon 5D Mark III

This project acts as a love letter to the femme fatale archetype that has been around since the early days of cinema. As a photographer I am largely influenced by films and theatre and love telling my own stories. Having grown up watching characters like Sarah Connor, Ellen Ripley, Buffy, The Bride and so many more dominate the action movie scene at level with more traditional macho heroes greatly inspired the way I portray women in my own work. The culmination of all these influences resulted in me creating Milena Báis, a hard as nails assassin left for dead and who is now out for revenge.

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