Displacement everywhere, refugees forced to flee their homes and leave everything behind. Still every year the worldwide number of refugees and displaced people is growing. Families, kids and young men and women searching for peace, freedom and a better live – today they amount to one percent of the worlds population.
Displacement everywhere, refugees forced to flee their homes and leave everything behind. Still every year the worldwide number of refugees and displaced people is growing. Families, kids and young men and women searching for peace, freedom and a better live – today they amount to one percent of the worlds population.
To get an on site understanding of the situation and perspective of arriving refugees on the European mainland the series of photographs “NotAufnahmen” (emergency entries) were taken is Sicily, Italy and Athens, Thesaloniki and Idomeni, Greece. Those two countries are the main entrance for many people out of war zones and conflict areas. In Europe itself, there is often further struggle, more borders and a hard way to survive.
After making it alive over the Mediterranean Sea, some live in abandoned factory's working extremely poorly paid jobs in the local agriculture. Or they are living on the streets hoping and dreaming to get further into Europe, for example to Germany or the UK. Altough the pictures were taken in 2016, Europe is still totally quarrelling and unable to cope with the situation.