Last Eagle Hunters

  • Photographer
    Zay Yar Lin
  • Prize
    1st Place / Special/Travel / Wanderlust
  • Jury Top 5 Selection

    Daria Bonera I like the way he chose to tell this subject. The composition of the images, the sequence, the light, the editing. It's a great and complete feature ready to be published in a magazine!

    Cara Owsley

  • Date of Photograph
    October 2019
  • Technical Info
    Various settings of camera

For centuries, Eagle Hunters have used golden eagles to hunt prey during the bleak winter months, an extraordinary example of a relationship between humans and semi wild animals. There are an estimated 250 eagle hunters in Bayan-Ölgii, which is located in the Altai Mountains of western Mongolian. They maintained ancient practice of hunting with golden eagles on horseback, and they primarily hunt red foxes and corsac foxes. Present Kazakh eagle hunters are old and grow weaker due to the unforgiving winters, and thus the traditional berkutchi is becoming a dying breed.

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