
  • Photographer
    Nolwenn Pugi
  • Prize
    2nd Place / People /Children
  • Date of Photograph
    May 12, 2020
  • Technical Info
    1/250, ISO200, f2.8, Full frame

My interpretation of a 1950 poem by Jacques Prévert. A celebration of springtime, a girl and a flower. “Every day of the week In winter and autumn In Paris skies by day The factory chimneys smoke only gray But springtime arrives, a flower over his ear On his arm a pretty girl Sunflower Sunflower That’s the name of the flower The nickname of the girl She has no first name, no last name either Dances on street corners At Belleville and Seville Sunflower Sunflower Sunflower Waltz of the street corners And the sunny days come in The sweet life with them..." ~ Jacques Prévert, Tournesol, 1950

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