LA vs Chicago, An Architectural Shakedown in 5rnds

  • Photographer
    Wayne Cable
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention
  • Company/Studios
    Wayne Cable PHOTOS
  • Date of Photograph
  • Technical Info
    Sony Alpha Camera, Canon Tilt/Shift Lenses, Canon 5d mkii Camera

"LA Vs. Chicago,An Architectural Shakedown in 5 Rounds" imagines a boxing match between two cities, Los Angeles and Chicago, played out in photography. In this age of pandemic uncertainty where almost everything has gone virtual,photographer Wayne Cable envisions a virtual architectural match-where each city puts their best shots forward in support of its iconic architecture, side by side. The opposing team maneuvers in the shadows to dodge each punch and comeback with a stiff upper left(building). Who's the winner?You decide Cable's 5 photographs of Chicago and 5 photographs of LA buildings.

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