Wisdom Amidst the Leaves

  • Photographer
    Sacha Frick
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention
  • University/School
    Imperial College London
  • Date of Photograph
    14 August 2018
  • Technical Info
    1/400 sec, 400 ISO, f/5.6, Full Frame

After spending a few hours hours in a car, I arrived in the West Bali National Park where I was welcomed by this endemic Balinese Black Monkey who was standing in the middle of the forest atop one of the largest trees around. He was staring at the horizon and the sea while I silently pointed my camera amidst the cloud of coloured leaves to take this picture. This species of monkey is key as it is an Balinese endemic subspecies of the Javan Lutung which is the overarching species found only in a few Indonesian islands itself. Furthermore, they are sadly considered threatened by extinction.

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