Tae Jung and Ha Ru

  • Photographer
    Heun Jung Kim
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention
  • Date of Photograph
  • Technical Info
    1/50, ISO1000, 46mm, F 5.6, Cannon 5D Mark 3, 24-70mm,

The traditional Korean 'Baek-il' event is a centuries-old tradition considered a norm in many Korean households. This signifies a major milestone within the Korean culture of a child’s 100th day after birth because of the high infant mortality during the 18th Century until the Korean War. The photograph shows a double portraiture of my younger sister celebrating this milestone with her daughter dressed in the Hanbok during the COVID-19 pandemic. I focus on capturing motherhood and child infancy while celebrating a centuries-old tradition of a child’s 100th day on earth amidst

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