Brydi at OzDay10K Wheelchair Race - 5

  • Photographer
    Grace Lee
  • Prize
    1st Place / Editorial / Press/Sports
  • Date of Photograph
  • Technical Info
    Canon EOS 7D Mark II, EF 100-400mm F/4.5-5.6L, ISO-100, F/8, 1/30 sec.  Focal 35 mm

The 9-year-old Brydi Saul,who trains out of the Sydney Academy of Sport in North Narrabeen, has recently become the youngest people to finish one of the toughest wheelchair races in Australia,the OzDay10km race. Brydi was being bullied at school for being in a wheelchair,she was depressed to the point where she became suicidal. Sport has played a big part in boosting Brydi's confidence and mental health. Brydi says she's now proud of her disability. Brydi hopes to one day represent Australia at the Paralympics. Her message is simple, yet powerful:"Everyone's got a body and they should love it"

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