Dreaming Forest

  • Photographer
    Won-Chae Jo
  • Prize
    1st Place / Fine Art/Abstract
  • University/School
    Hongik Univ.
  • Date of Photograph
  • Technical Info
    canon 5Dmark III 100MM F5.6 ISO100

I'm working on a picture of the world through the cracks in an old wall. The material of the work is the wall. The 60-year-old industrial city of Ulsan, South Korea, depicts traces found in old streets and walls of forests and trees. It is expressed as a forest that dreams of nature's will to constantly turn back to its original state, contrary to human desire to ignore the laws of nature and pursue convenience only. The forest expressed is reminiscent of my childhood memory. Through this work, I hope it will be an opportunity to think about the destruction of human nature.

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