Faded Glory - Will we become immortal?

  • Photographer
    Henriette van Gasteren
  • Prize
    3rd Place / People /Self-Portrait
  • Jury Top 5 Selection
  • Company/Studios
  • Date of Photograph
  • Technical Info
    Nikon D800, Tripod, Remote Control, Lens 35.0 mm f/1.4, Focal length 35,0 mm, Exposure 1/125 sec

Will we become immortal? Like plants and flowers, the human body withers with time. We throw away plants and flowers when they are not fresh anymore. What can we do with our bodies to prevent them from aging, because the body cannot be thrown away before we die. Can it be fixed? Science marches on. How long will it take before editing genetic codes becomes a common method for turning back the hands of time? How long will it take before the body knows when to renew itself to make it possible for us human beings to live forever, or at least for a thousand years?

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