Tears of river errosion

  • Photographer
    Sharwar Hussain
  • Prize
    Editorial / Press Photographer Of the Year
  • Date of Photograph
  • Technical Info
    S/S - 1/320sec, ISO-200, F-24mm , f- 8, Nikon D850

Impacts of river bank erosion are multifarious like social, economic, health, education and sometimes political. The first and foremost impact is social, i.e., homelessness due to land erosion which compels people to migrate. Results are their poor health, sickness, living insecurity and illiteracy of their children. Millions of people become homeless due to severe flooding in the northern regions of Bangladesh. They barely get proper rehabilitation. Some can manage to find a home again, most of them fail. They wander here and there and move to the cities to find a shelter and living.

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