The Rock Pool

  • Photographer
    Mark Gee
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention
  • Company/Studios
    The Art of Night
  • Date of Photograph
    9 June 2021
  • Technical Info
    20 sec shutter, f/2.8 Aperture, ISO 3200, Full Frame Sensor

I love exploring the coastal area of the rugged and remote south coast of Wellington, New Zealand. You can find large rock pools at low tide teeming with life. And when photographed on a clear starry night, they take on an otherworldly appearance, especially when illuminated by a low level light. This photograph consists of 7 levels of focus, focus stacked together. For each level of focus, I shot 10 images for image stacking to reduce sensor noise and better detail. The whole scene was also lit by multiple low level lights to illuminate the underwater detail of the rock pool.

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