Choosing Life

  • Photographer
    Daniel Zollinger

She is a mother, a widow, a wife, a lover, and a breast cancer survivor. She lost her first husband to cancer and now it was her turn to face the disease. Over nine months, she endured a double mastectomy, reconstruction surgery, implants, ovary removal and simulated areolae tattoos.

These images were selected from a project entitled my “My Lovelies,” a documentation of a 50-year-old woman facing breast cancer. Her life had become suddenly uncertain and vulnerable when she learned of the difficult news. On camera, she revealed what had always been private and intimate, to remember and share her story with others facing the disease. She had little idea of what to expect when she was diagnosed, as did I when I began working on the project. She wonders how other women experience the diagnosis and procedures with similarly little knowledge. One project goal was to identify the vulnerability she experienced, in the hope that it would give viewers new insight into the sacrifice that takes place when choosing life.

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