Ecosystems of Healing

  • Photographer
    Samira Saidi
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention
  • Jury Top 5 Selection

    I-Chan Park The decorative design and color of the male and female models stand out. The skin color and white painting, and the skin color and cobalt decorations are all in harmony.

  • Date of Photograph
    May 2021

Ecosystems of Healing is depicting the importance of mental health, focusing on West Africa. The common understanding of trauma and mental well-being has been shaped by the experience of the West and often forms a bubble of misunderstanding towards different approaches. In African communities, family, nature, and spirituality mould the foundation of mental well-being. Throughout its colonial past and exploitative present has the perspective towards mental health been alienated and resulted in the act of turning into oneself in the search of oneness.

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