Lee Monument Against a Field of Stars

  • Photographer
    Jeff Saxman
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention
  • Company/Studios
    Saxman Photography, Inc.
  • Date of Photograph
    December 14, 2021
  • Technical Info
    Composite of over 200 captures, each 4 sec @ f2.8. ISO 400. Canon 5dMkII with 14mm lens

During the racial demonstrations in the wake of George Floyd's death, Richmond's Lee Monument underwent a dramatic transformation. It remains the last of the city's commemorations to the Confederacy to remain in its place, and plans are said to be in the works for its relocation. This image was meant to capture this space's new impact under old stars. Framing was done in such a way as to position the statue strategically so that due North was directly behind, resulting in an encircling of the figure by the movement of the night sky, indicating the inevitable movement of time.

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