The World Around Me

  • Photographer
    karen Ghostlaw-Pomarico
  • Company/Studios
    Pictorial-List Magazine
  • Date of Photograph
  • Technical Info
    All images are single exposures, not photoshopped. Camera Leica M10-P, lens,35mm summicron

This series of self portraits were taken during the pandemic. They are layered reflected abstractions exploring my place in the world through this challenging period of time. This was a period of transition for me, as well as a time of change, adapting to the confinements of the pandemic, with the freedom of self expression to reflect the metamorphic like evolution of change of personal reflection and growth in the changed world around me.


Self portraiture has been an ongoing study for over thirteen years. This series of abstracted self portraits have been taken during the pandemic. The way in which we interacted with our environment changed, and how we all adapted to the new confinements of the pandemic became the inspiration for this exploration. This was a time of transition for me in many ways. This series evolved during a time of rediscovery, reacquainting myself to the world as a full time photographer. My role as mother and educator to my four children that were home schooled through high school ended and now I could focus all my energies full time on photography. I transitioned into my new position as editor for Pictorial-List Magazine. I found the Pandemic to be a time of self reflection. As the world was adapting to the challenges of Covid, I found that isolation was unavoidable and personal space became very important if not mandatory. For me this was a a time to find and redefine my place in the world. They are reflections of my steps moving forward, finding inspiration in new ways of seeing. Each photograph an archeology of pieces of the past, that are reflected in the present, creating the abstraction of the future. They reflect the metamorphic like evolution of change of personal reflection and growth.

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