Bike Church

  • Photographer
    Jared Leeds
  • Jury Top 5 Selection
  • Company/Studios
    Jared Leeds Photography
  • Date of Photograph
    July 2021

The Bike Church photographs accompany a short film I've been working on about NYC bike messenger Gabriel Frilando aka @cheatdeathnyc who has struggled with mental health and has been in and out of the system. Currently living in a halfway house as part of his parole, he uses cycling to help him heal from and cope with his mental health struggles.


The Bike Church photographs accompany a short film I've been working on about NYC bike messenger Gabriel Frilando aka @cheatdeathnyc who has struggled with mental health and has been in and out of the system. Currently living in a halfway house as part of his parole, he uses cycling to help him heal from and cope with his mental health struggles.

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