
  • Photographer
    Laurent SPADOTTO
  • Date of Photograph
    2021 to 2022
  • Technical Info
    Fujifilm X100V

This series 'Fade' (a selection) is a real personal and introspective project. About the difficulties of finding one's place in the world, in these times. About solitude, fears and doubts. I consider this series as a set of photograms (the shortest unit of time in a film). This puzzle of still images tells a story. I want to encourage people's interpretation and imagination, according to their personality and emotions. For me, photo is a mirror or a window, often both.


This series 'Fade' (a selection, this work is still in progress) is a real personal and introspective project. About the difficulties of finding one's place in the world, in these times. About solitude, fears and doubts.

I consider this series as a set of photograms (the shortest unit of time in a film). This puzzle of still images tells a story. I want to encourage people's interpretation and imagination, according to their personality and emotions.

For me, photo is a mirror or a window, often both.

So, it all started in 2020, during the pandemic. I thought a lot and I took stock of my life. I felt a psychological chaos and a mental haze. I decided to change my career. Indeed, I need a new challenge before I get too old (I turn 50 in 2022).
For 13 years I have worked in the service of people. I stepped aside to help them express themselves. As a radio journalist, I have run many radio workshops with young people, persons with disabilities and elderly or isolated people. Yes, a gratifying and useful job but I felt the need to express myself before it's too late.

I was lost, I didn't know where I was going. I felt cramped, I no longer believed in what I was doing and in myself. A decision needed to be made. Crossing the bridge, to get out of this fog.

Then, I am in the process of becoming a professional artist photographer. To feel free, alive, again.

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