Sodium Saccharin crystallised

  • Photographer
    Bevil Templeton-Smith
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention
  • Jury Top 5 Selection

    Jamason Chen Superimposed microscopic color images against the black background seems showing the micro world lives in an universe world. It is precious and fragile.

  • Date of Photograph
    12 June 2021
  • Technical Info
    1/40th, ISO 100, Aperture - N/A (microscope), Sony A7Riv full frame 61Mp, Leitz Orthoplan microscope

Photograph of a crystal of Sodium Saccharin and Sodium Cyclamate - Crystallised out of a hot saturated water solution. Image created on 1968 Leitz Orthoplan microscope with home made polarising setup. Focus stack (from 9 images).

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