
  • Photographer
    Michele Taras
  • Date of Photograph
    June 2010
  • Technical Info
    shot with Nikon D-200

This is a series of photographs of Claudine. She is mentally retarded and has learned to live on her own after about 65 years of living with her mother. Unfortunately, in the last year not only is she becoming blind, but she is also in the early stages of Alzheimer's'. This is a photographic essay of her last few days living independently.


This is a series of photographs of Claudine. She is mentally retarded and has learned to live on her own after about 65 years of living with her mother. Unfortunately, in the last year not only is she becoming blind, but she is also in the early stages of Alzheimer's'. This is a photographic essay taken on the day of her 73rd birthday, detailing her last few days living independently. In an effort to enable her to live in her apartment as long as possible, she has a string of support staff visiting her daily, and weekly music therapy sessions, where she still finds happiness. However placement in a group home is imminent. We are still unsure of how she will handle this change.

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