I Followed When We Separated

  • Photographer
    Katie Zychowski
  • Company/Studios
    Katie Zychowski
  • Date of Photograph
    May 2011
  • Technical Info
    Digital Capture

My collection metaphorically considers whether persons are bound to one another naturally, if we are coupled, paired and grouped innately. Using flora and delicate foliage I contemplate the thought that humans, like verdure, possess inherent connections and questions if plant-life longs for one another when they exist apart. I contemplate whether the human species could be similar to that of a plant or seed that even when they are taken by the wind, carried off, separated and transplanted they still hold a connection to a particular collection that grows just as they do.


I have never been alone. I have never been a single, a separate, a one; never existed as an only or lived without a parallel. I was born a twin, and because of this I have always existed as a double, connected to another, bound by and to my brother. Recognizing the bond I share with my sibling, has allowed me to consider other relationships I hold and has caused me to question whether or not these attachments are perhaps deep-rooted relationships.
My collection metaphorically considers whether persons are bound to one another naturally, if we are coupled, paired and grouped innately. Using flora and foliage I contemplate the thought that humans, like verdure, possess inherent connections and questions if plant-life longs for one another when they exist apart. I contemplate the idea that the human species could be similar to that of a plant or of a seed that even when they are taken by the wind, carried off, separated and transplanted they still hold a connection to a particular collection that grows just as they do.
It is necessary for me to recognize and consider the relationships I have collected, to contemplate a bond I have never been without, and to suppose that these kinds of connections are innate. I am observing that even the most natural beings flourish amongst those they connect with, and I too thrive on the company I keep.

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