Encaustic Noir

  • Photographer
    Helen K. Garber
  • Company/Studios
    Helen K. Garber Studio
  • Date of Photograph
  • Technical Info
    5 s 6 x 1/2

technical: archival prints, antique book pages, re-used wood panel, twine, encaustic medium, 5x7" - 13" x 18" Obsolete, old, useless: words that describe the elements of these mixed-media works. Renew, re-use, assemblage, unique objects of art are words that describe the finished pieces. Strange wonderful moments happen when I am working - a portal opens to another world or dimension. The wax and I have bonded into a strong spiritual partnership. The wood panels are pieces of bookshelves from a local closed book store. The prints are from my stored portfolio books. The pages are from my library. The twine from an old hardware store. And beeswax. The elements come together to create another soul.

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