
  • Photographer
    Krzysztof Wladyka
  • Date of Photograph
  • Technical Info
    Digital photography

All is about things made of plastic... in our times plastics parts are everywhere... they have only different forms, geometry, shapes and colours... they are elements of our culture... they exist in everything we do in our lives... those things are very often almost or just kitschy but we don't see that because they have very deep roots in our minds - it's something usual for us... sometimes those common things become icons...


All is about things made of plastic... in our times plastics parts are everywhere... they have only different forms, geometry, shapes and colours... they are elements of our culture... they exist in everything we do in our lives... those things are very often almost or just kitschy but we don't see that because they have very deep roots in our minds - it's something usual for us... sometimes those common things become icons...

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