Bodies for sale, Mumbai.

  • Photographer
    Albertina d'Urso
  • Company/Studios
  • Date of Photograph
    march 2009

Mumbai, the largest flesh market in India has reached approximately the figure of 150 thousand prostitutes. Girls are brought with the promise of jobs from all over India and Nepal and sold out to brothels and pimps. “Hijras” (trans-genders), instead, come spontaneously; they are rejected from their families and have no other place to go. Male prostitution work differently: usually "gigolos" are students or have normal jobs and sell themselves for "pocket money". They are little tolerated so do not operate openly in the street and look for costumers in "pick up" bars, trough the internet and, late in the night, trains and train stations. The average rate for all the genders is 150 rupees (3 dollars) except for "high range" girls... They are sent to clients directly by their pimp or show up in elegant nightclubs and their minimum rate is 100 dollars.


Mumbai, the largest flesh market in India has reached approximately the figure of 150 thousand prostitutes. Girls are brought with the promise of jobs from all over India and Nepal and sold out to brothels and pimps. “Hijras” (trans-genders), instead, come spontaneously; they are rejected from their families and have no other place to go. Male prostitution work differently: usually "gigolos" are students or have normal jobs and sell themselves for "pocket money". They are little tolerated so do not operate openly in the street and look for costumers in "pick up" bars, trough the internet and, late in the night, trains and train stations. The average rate for all the genders is 150 rupees (3 dollars) except for "high range" girls... They are sent to clients directly by their pimp or show up in elegant nightclubs and their minimum rate is 100 dollars.
1-Young prostitutes waiting for cliente. Hanuman Galli, Worly red light area, Mumbai.
2-Mani, 30(left, holding her baby) and Isha, 32 both from Kolkata, drunk, at late night in their brothel in Kamathiputa red light area, the largest in Mumbai.
3-Divya (right, 23, from Tamil Nadu and Bhanu (married with a street seller), 26 in Kamathipura. Bith are hijras (transgenders)
4-Arshad, 16, from bihar in a “pick up bar” in Colaba. In the back: Rohit, 18 and La khan, 22, both from Mumbai. They are all “gigolo”.
5-Simran, 23, high range prostitute. She is from Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, and is married. Her husband lives in Tamil Nadu

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