from the series "Methaphysic of an urban Landscape" (…) What interests me is the effect of the methaphysical in our thoughts and on our approach to life. This, in art as well as in photography, means going beyond, it means (that) the meaning and deep essence don’t stop with what we see. I have interpreted urban scenes of some Metropolis, with their obvious architectural, sociological and cultural differences, but with the firm objective to give back to the final image that specific “methaphysical dimension”. I would like to state that the result and contents of my research will not end in the images in which my project is embodied but in the way we could all look at them, filtering them with our subjectivity, with our cultural background, with all the questions, doubts, imagination which follow. Gabriele Croppi (from the “Metaphysics of the urban landscape”, presentation speech at House of Photography, Hamburg, 10.05.2011)