Kitintale skates

  • Photographer
    Yann Gross
  • Company/Studios
    Ecal/University of art and design Lausanne
  • Date of Photograph
  • Technical Info
    Analog 6x7

A story about the first skateboarders in Uganda, who decided to construct the only skatepark of East Africa in Kitintale, a working class suburb of Kampala, since there was not any concrete around. With no assistance from government or large NGO's, kids from Uganda took significant steps to overcome boredom and poverty throught skateboarding. Built from the bottom up, the grassroots construction of the first skatepark engender a sense of pride and empowerment in the community of Kitintale. Skateboarding keeps the youth busy and combats the developement of negative habits.


A story about the first skateboarders in Uganda, how some youngsters were influenced by a game they saw on TV and decided to construct themselves the only skatepark of East Africa in Kitintale, a working class suburb of Kampala, since there was not any concrete around.
With no assistance from government or large NGO's, kids from Uganda took significant steps to overcome boredom and poverty throught skateboarding.
Built from the bottom up, the grassroots construction of the first skatepark engender a sense of pride and empowerment in the community of Kitintale.
By learning how to skate, the kids developped a sense of belonging to a community and realized a dream. Skateboarding keeps the youth busy and combats the developement of negative habits.
The elder skateboarders became also kind of educators. They talk about the problems that many Ugandan families are facing like HIV or malaria and try to inculcate values such as respect and solidarity among the younger skaters.

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