In my work, I have collected and documented rubbish which has been shaped by nature and made unrecognizable. Using rubbish as historic object explores the circle of natural resources taken and transformed through mass production into products for consumption and then waste material. After being abandoned the rubbish is altered and its form changes over time. I am documenting the beautiful process of this decomposition which has taken place over time, the object becomes one with nature.
In my work, I have collected and documented rubbish which I have found in areas inhabited by nature. I am exploring the idea of natural resources being taken and transformed through mass production into products for consumption and then waste material. Whether it be grass, bushes or dirt these have been shaped by the natural environment and made unrecognizable. After being abandoned the rubbish changes over time and is decomposed by the elements of nature, effectively ending a long cycle in the process of production.
I see these objects having potential historical significance in the future. Perhaps the objects that we define as rubbish today would become something valuable, displayed in a museum by a future generation who's intent was to discover more about ours.