Talibanistan: A photo essay o

  • Photographer
    Lynsey Addario
  • Company/Studios
    Thew New York Times
  • Date of Photograph
    July 2008

Talibanistan: A photo essay on the Talibanization of Pakistan, from their stronghold inside the tribal area of FATA—remote, barren, without any government presence--to their increasing presence in government-controlled cities near the border of Afghanistan, roughly 90 miles from Pakistan's capital of Islamabad. Inside FATA, a group of Taliban fighters who called themselves the “Vice and Virtue Brigade” control a swath of territory up to the nebulous Afghan border, where suicide bombers and Jihadists boast of crossing into Afghanistan to fight NATO forces. In Pakistani cities close to the tribal areas, the Taliban's influence looms large: women have recently donned the all-encompassing burqua, men spend their days studying the Koran in Madrassas, and the shells of cinemas and police stations, recently bombed by the Taliban, dot the landscape.

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