• Photographer
    Cline Clanet
  • Company/Studios
    Celine Clanet
  • Date of Photograph

I have lived several months in Maze not be here today, flooded with waters of a dam project that Norwegian government planned in early 70s, and fortunately aborted. I probably made pictures of a reality that will be soon impossible to see, due to cultural integration and the global warming disaster in Arctic. I have tasted and favorite season, when days get longer and temperatures get milder. The perfect moment, when time does not exist anymore and night is gone, in which they immerse themselves: fishing through an ice hole in Suolojarvi Lake, or riding the snowscooter across the tundra. Talking, or laying down doing nothing, saying nothing. Just being.


I have lived several months in Maze, up to the north of the Arctic Circle, in Norway.

I have pictured Sami people, houses, territory and reindeers that should not be here today, flooded with waters of a dam project that Norwegian government planned in early 70s, and fortunately aborted.

I probably made pictures of a reality that will be soon impossible to see, due to cultural integration and the global warming disaster in Arctic.

I have tasted favorite season, when days get longer and temperatures get milder. The perfect moment, when time does not exist anymore and night is gone, in which they immerse themselves: fishing through an ice hole in Suolojarvi Lake, or riding the snowscooter across the tundra. Talking, or laying down doing nothing, saying nothing. Just being.

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